Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why One-Third Sucks

Today is day 7 into my new running self.  It's also day 7 waking up at 5 a.m. Today for my run I moved up a step - from 2 minute runs followed by 3 minute walks to 3 minute runs followed by 2 minute walks. Not a big difference at first - but it made a huge difference in my time per mile. As I was running, and feeling pretty tired by this last week, I began thinking about something that one of my train buddies had mentioned. He made note that there's a study out there (which I have failed to go verify, so we'll go with hearsay) which says that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Well then. So I'm one third of the way through starting two new habits - getting up early and running. Oh, and blogging I guess. That's a lot of new habits at once.

Apparently, within those 21 days that it takes to form a new habit, at any time one is at risk of back-sliding and needing to start over.  That almost happened the other day for my husband and I. It was his day to run, but since he had to pick up the car from the shop, he thought he'd run after I got up and out with our son. So, when the alarm went off at 5 he didn't get up to run. My mind said, "You still have to get up to write, Natalee! You didn't finish your thoughts from Monday!" My exhausted body said, "Just give me another 15 minutes, please!" Well, that 15 minutes turned into 60 and I almost panicked when the clock radio turned on.

So, here at 1/3 of the way into my new habits, I'm feeling proud to get this far, but kind of overwhelmed by the idea of what's still to come.  I noticed that I've been feeling similarly at about 1/3 of my way into my run.  My route is just short of a 5K (well, probably a bit shorter still because I "hug the inside" by running on the near sidewalk instead of the far one or in the street).  At that one mile point I've found myself thinking each week "Really? I'm only this far? I still have to do twice that again? I'm already wanting water and why is my Achilles tendon/shin/foot/whatever aching?"

That one third is the toughest part.

I would think that the last third would be toughest - but finishing seems like a joy in comparison to hitting the one mile mark. I mean, by then most of the work is behind you. It's only a bit further then. And for me, since I do a loop, I have to get all the way around to get home for water and a shower. Even the second mile is easier. There is something psychologically different I think because within the second mile I cross the halfway point also. It's just starting, getting going and making it to and only just past that first marker - that first third - that is so hard for me.

But I do push past it and then I'm at 1.5 miles, I'm half way. And then comes 2 miles and I've already done two thirds and the last third is easy. Let's see if I can beat the playlist! Will I be farther along today than two days ago when X song comes on? Even though I always find myself home drenched and tired - looking first to sit and second for water (and third for a stretch and a shower) I feel good when I'm done. My quads and calves have gotten used to the distance already. I don't have the unstable, wobbly feeling going down a flight of stairs that I did after Day one. Now I just need to push on the rate of speed.

So, if I'm able to push past that one third, I should be able to push past others. Getting up at 5 a.m. Writing consistently here. Pushing hubby out of bed to do his running... We'll see. If I'm still in the 21 days, I still have a ways to go. I'm still at risk of falling behind. But something tells me that it will get easier from here. I'm working on that halfway point now - I see it up ahead.

How about you? Have you tried to form any new habits recently? How is it going? Do you have the same experience as me with that first third? Let me know!


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