Monday, August 26, 2013

Sweet mispronunciations

For fun, and so that I don't forget when he grows out of this adorable-ness, here are a bunch of words and phrases that my son mispronounces.  Thought this was a nice way to start the week.

Lightning Mit-a-queeen

Just my belly
Okay, this isn't a mispronunciation so much as a sweet phrase all his own for being shirtless. This one has already departed from common usage, and I miss it. So, I am paying it tribute here - my husband has it memorialized as his fantasy-football team name.




(I actually cannot mispronounce this the way he says it. Some how he manages to put a k and a g together where the t should is the most baffling and sweet of his mispronunciations and he is thisclose to loosing it and finally saying it right. I discourage this.)

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that have stuck out recently. I'll update as they come to me.

Do you have a child in your life who speaks sweet mispronunciations? Tell me about your favorites!

New one 8/30/13: Oopsie-daisily!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I have so many of these with my growing-up-way-too-fast 3-year-old. My favorites:

    Rest-round = restaurant
    Menny-mennies = M&Ms
    Snake = steak (although this one is now long gone)
    Netiquette = Connecticut

    I know there are others I am forgetting about at the moment. A good one I remember from the now 8-year-old is base-man = basement

    And a couple cute phrases (not mispronunciations) that Emma had:

    Sheet pillow = bed pillow in a pillowcase (as opposed to a pillow from the couch)
    Chickpaw = the foot of a chicken
